Our Raise the Bar Student Leadership Program recognises young people who exemplify the Franciscan values of the College, in both their words and actions, and demonstrate their commitment to the College through their active involvement in school activities, clubs and events.

The student leadership team in Year 12 is composed of two College Captains, six House Captains (one for each House) and Portfolio Captains, including Cultural, Academic, Spirit, Sport, Outreach and Liturgy. This team of fourteen students work together to build College and House spirit, promote involvement in school events, come up with new initiatives and leave a lasting legacy on the College.

Students in Years 7 to 11 are able to apply to be on the Student Representative Council (SRC). Each House has one SRC Leader per year level, and the SRC is overseen by the Year 12 Captains. The SRC is a great forum for the discussion of student matters, and the planning of year level events and initiatives. It also ensures each year level has a voice at the table, and it assists in the building of relationships and connections across year levels.

A leadership retreat is held at the start of each year for all of the College leaders. At this retreat, students will hear from inspirational leaders, learn more about leadership including the development of skills around leading effective meetings and having tough conversations, and get the opportunity to collaborate with one another as well as key staff stakeholders.

Leaders aren’t only those students who wear a badge. We recognise the leadership potential in all of our students and foster this by offering leadership workshops each term as well as other external leadership opportunities.

The Raise the Bar program is intrinsically linked to student wellbeing in that it offers all students the opportunity to develop the skills to be a good leader, promotes student participation and active involvement in College life, and enables a greater sense of belonging and connectedness.